Member-only story
20 Writing Topics to Explore in 2020
You probably have a few resolutions, goals, or hopes to be a better writer this year. There may be a variety of strategies and techniques to explore, but I’m going to propose diving into content topics that you may not have considered.
Before you start, it’s a good idea to reflect on your existing writing to see where your strengths and challenges lie. Then see which of the topics in this story would best fit the direction you want to go in as a writer.
These suggestions will be aimed at writing for a Medium audience, but can be applicable to any blogging platform. Though headlines, images, layout and writing style all contribute to reader engagement, nothing is more engaging than a good story — your story.
There’s a reason why Medium doesn’t call your writing pieces “articles” or “posts,” but “stories.” As the platform gets more crowded, what will stand out isn’t a more comprehensive “how-to” article or a more inspirational “productivity” post. Your unique advantage is your life and all the stories that make it up.
So if you want to take your writing to a new level in 2020, try writing on some of these story prompts, which mix your unique story with applicable lessons for the reader. I’ve also…