Getting a Last-Minute Passport Quick: Urgent Travel Service

How I got my passport 3 days before my international flight.

Steven Ma
9 min readAug 14, 2023
Image by Author

Do you need to get a new USA passport quickly within weeks or even days? Perhaps you forgot your passport expired, you lost your passport, or you don’t have a passport and an urgent international trip just came up.

There’s a way to get one fast, and I’ll share with you the steps to do it, as well as my own personal experience in getting a quick passport.

Article Outline:

  • Why I Needed a Quick Passport
  • 4 Methods of Getting a Passport
  • Process & Requirements for Urgent Travel Service
  • Scheduling an Appointment
  • What Happens at the Appointment
  • Getting My Passport
  • Tips for Getting a Quick Passport

Why I Needed a Quick Passport

My family and I had an international trip planned for the summer. Then about a month before we were scheduled to leave, my passport was lost. In my defense, I did not lose my passport, another member of my family lost my passport.

